The African Black soap, commonly known as “AlataSamina” in Ghana, has been used for generations to heal the skin. It is the only 100% Pure, Vegan and Natural Handmade Soap in the world that does not require lye. It is made from a naturally occurring lye which is gentle and derived from plant ashes. Black soap lathers richly from the Pure Palm Kernel Oil and Coconut Oil used in production. This powerful soap derives its dark color from the Cocoa Pod Ashes which are sundried and roasted till dark.
This soap cleans and exfoliates the skin and removes blemishes. It is a gentle soap suitable for all skin types. However, it can be irritating for some sensitive skin types.
NAYA African Black Soap DOES NOT contain chemical additives, Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, Mineral Oil, Parabens or Lye.